Ever in need of some quick gold to buy out something at good value from the AH or for whatever other purpose without spending too much time farming for hours? Well just turn your saved up honor into gold.
At the moment, you can buy 200x "Ice Threaded Bullet" from the Alterac Valley quartermaster for 1 honor point. Considering arrows cost 70s also, I don't know what's up here, whether it's something to be patched or not.
Basically, you can sell these arrows for 14s to a merchant.
1 honor point = 14s
10 honor points = 1.4g
100 honor points = 14g
1000 honor points = 140g
10,000 honor points = 1400g
Technorati Tags: world of warcraft, make money, honor points, wow gold
Labels: gold, Honor, make money