Wednesday, January 31, 2007, posted by WoW Fan at 12:51 AM
Dear Valued Readers... Kindly check out this general warning from Blizzards Customer Support team about a new version of a classic gold scam...
This is a warning regarding a current new variety of a common scam. Recently players have been reporting to Game Masters in-game mails which are imitating the style of mail sent from an in-game NPC. These mails are pretending to have a "reward" attached to them. However, the mail is actually an attempt to scam gold from the recipient through the use of a wrapped COD item for a sum of gold. This new variety of this scam is using titles and text to imply that they originate from the Argent Dawn. To further add to this illusion the name of the sender is typically also related in some way to Light's Hope Chapel or the Argent Dawn.

While Game Masters are working hard to track down and action these scammers, one would do well to stay clear of any such suspicious COD in-game mail. As always, one should never accept a COD mail where the item is wrapped so that you can not see the item itself.

Thanks and Be Careful with your hard earned gold.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007, posted by WoW Fan at 1:22 AM
Instance Overview
Karazhan is an abandoned ancient tower made of ivory, located in the Deadwind Pass. It is a ten man raid dungeon at level 70 in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. In lore, it was noted for its famous occupant; the last Guardian of Tirisfal, Medivh. After Medivh had been defeated by the army of Azeroth during the First War, Karazhan was abandoned and has remained in that condition. The arcane powers, however, have never abandoned the tower.


Attumen the Huntsman
1. Gloves of Saintly Blessings
2. Handwraps of Flowing Thought
3. Harbinger Bands
4. Gloves of Dexterous Manipulation
5. Stalker's War Bands
6. Whirlwind Bracers
7. Vambraces of Courage
8. Fiery Warhorse's Reins
9. Spectral Band of Innervation
10. Worgen Claw Necklace
11. Steelhawk Crossbow
12. Gauntlets of Renewed Hope

1. Nethershard Girdle
2. Royal Cloak of Arathi Kings
3. Shadow-Cloak of Dalaran
4. Edgewalker Longboots
5. Belt of Gale Force
6. Boots of Valiance
7. Emerald Ripper
8. Brooch of Unquenchable Fury
9. Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch
10. Signet of Unshakable Faith
11. Idol of the Avian Heart
12. Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable

Maiden of Virtue
1. Drape of the Dark Reavers
2. Rapscallion Boots
3. Steelspine Faceguard
4. Pauldrons of the Justice-Seeker
5. Aran's Soothing Sapphire
6. Pendant of the Violet Eye
7. Tirisfal Wand of Ascendancy
8. Boots of Fortelling

Shade of Aran
1. Drape of the Dark Reavers
2. Rapscallion Boots
3. Steelspine Faceguard
4. Pauldrons of the Justice-Seeker
5. Aran's Soothing Sapphire
6. Pendant of the Violet Eye
7. Tirisfal Wand of Ascendancy
8. Boots of the Incorrupt
9. Boots of the Infernal Coven

1. Pantaloons of Repentence
2. Uni-Mind Headdress
3. Cowl of Defiance
4. Rip-Flayer Leggings
5. Girdle of Truth
6. Mantle of Abrahmis
7. Mithril Band of the Unscarred
8. Jewel of Infinite Possibilities

The Curator
Regular Drops
1. Pauldrons of the Solace-Giver
2. Forest Wind Shoulderpads
3. Dragon-Quake Shoulderguards
4. Wrynn Dynasty Greaves
5. Garona's Signet Ring
6. Staff of Infinite Mysteries

Tier 4 Tokens - Gloves
7. Gloves of the Fallen Champion
8. Gloves of the Fallen Defender
9. Gloves of the Fallen Hero

Terestian Illhoof
1. Cincture of Will
2. Gilded Thorium Cloak
3. Shadowvine Cloak of Infusion
4. Cord of Nature's Sustenance
5. Girdle of the Prowler
6. The Lightning Capacitor
7. Fool's Bane
8. Terestian's Stranglestaff
9. Xavian Stiletto
10. Breastplate of the Lightbinder

Prince Malchezaar
Regular Drops
1. Nathrezim Mindblade
2. Light's Justice
3. Stainless Cloak of the Pure Hearted
4. Ruby Drape of the Mysticant
5. Gorehowl
6. Malchazeen
7. Adornment of Stolen Souls
8. Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix
9. Jade Ring of the Everliving

Tier 4 Token - Head
9. Helm of the Fallen Champion
10. Helm of the Fallen Defender
11. Helm of the Fallen Hero

1. Talisman of Nightbane

Chess Event
1. King's Defender
2. Heart-Flame Leggings
3. Battlescar Boots
4. Triptych Shield of The Ancients
5. Bracers of the White Stag
6. Headdress of the High Potentate
7. Mithril Chain of Heroism

Opera Event

Wizard of Oz
1. Ruby Slippers
2. Eternium Greathelm
3. Ribbon of Sacrifice
4. Legacy
5. Blue Diamond Witchwand
6. Wicked Witch's Hat

Little Red Riding Hood
1. Red Riding Hood's Cloak
2. Earthsoul Leggings
3. Big Bad Wolf's Head
4. Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle
5. Big Bad Wolf's Paw

Romulo & Julianne
1. Masquerade Gown
2. Despair
3. Blade of the Unrequited
4. Romeo's Poison Vial

Shared Opera Event Loot
1. Libram of Souls Redeemed
2. Beastmaw Pauldrons

Named Mobs (random spawns)

Hyakiss the Lurker
1. Lurker's Cord
2. Lurker's Grasp
3. Lurker's Belt
4. Lurker's Girdle

Shadikith the Glider
1. Glider's Boots
2. Glider's Sabatons
3. Glider's Greaves

Rokad the Ravager
1. Ravager's Wrist-Wraps
2. Ravager's Bracers

Karazhan Trash Mobs
1. Drape of the Righteous
2. Grasp of the Dead
3. Inferno Waist Cord
4. Grips of the Deftness
5. Zierhut's Lost Treads
6. Belt of the Tracker
7. Boots of Elusion
8. Pattern: Netherdrake Helm
9. Rittsyn's Lost Pendant
10. Plans: Khorium Champion

This list was compiled from,,, and raid screenshots. If you find anything incorrect, please let me know. All the item details and links are from

Hope this helps... I would appreciate it very much if you guys could help me correct any mistakes above.

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, posted by WoW Fan at 12:18 AM
Article Credit: Mose

In addition to the earlier post about Burning Crusade Instance Keys post... here is a chart for easy planning:

- Attunement Chart -
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Monday, January 29, 2007, posted by WoW Fan at 12:28 AM
Since the released of Burning Crusade, one of the fastest gold generator profession is mining. This is thanks to the new Jewelcrafting profession. So the following maps are of efficient circuits for different type of ores:

Copper Ore
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Truesilver Ore (red) and Mithril Ore (yellow)
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Dark Iron Ore
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Thorium Ore (sometimes get Mithril too)
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Sunday, January 28, 2007, posted by WoW Fan at 12:31 AM
Caverns of Time: Mount Hyjal instance did shipped with World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade expansion. The dungeon requires 25 player raid groups. However, not everyone can enter the dungeon. This dungeon requires many pre-requisites which are as follows:

1. You must be level 70

2. Complete Caverns of Time: Durnholde (Old Hillsbrad) and Complete Caverns of Time: Dark Portal (Black Morass).

3. Talk to Soridormi (Adult) - the consort of Nozdormu. You may find her roaming around the clockwork in Caverns of Time. She will give you a quest titled: The Vial's of Eternity.

However, this is no 1-2-3 immediate quest. To acquire the two vials of eternity requires the completition of many quest chains that will take months to accomplish and good gear.

NOTE: Part 4 and 5 are needed only by one member of the raid. Five players can enter Arcatraz if one player has the gate key. However, to do heroic-mode all five need the heroic-mode key.

4. You must complete the Cipher of Damnation quest chain in Shadowmoon Valley and the Stormspire quests in Netherstorm. The Stormspire quest chain starts in Area 52 with the Consortium Ethereal Nether-Stalker Khay'ji. The chain ends when Nexus-Prince Haramaad sends you to A'dal with a crystal. Maybe you should have talked to Akama at the Warden's Cage in Shadowmoon Valley.

5. A'dal will give you the Arcatraz Key quest: The crystal key is divided in two halves. The first half is held by the last boss of Tempest Keep: Botanica - Splintertree. The second half is held by the last boss of Tempest Keep: Mechanar. Once you assemble the Arcatraz Key and have completed the two quest chains: Stormspire and Cipher of Damnation -- Khadgar will talk to you, asking you to talk to A'dal. A'dal will give you the Kael'Thas dungeon key chain quest. The key is named Tempest Key - for the final showdown with Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider.

6. Brace yourself - - you need to be revered with the Sha'tar Reputation faction to obtain the Tempest Keep Heroic-Dungeon key, Revered with the Lower City to obtain the Auchenai Key to unlock the Auchindoun Dungeons in Heroic-mode, Revered with the Cenarion Expedition to unlock the Heroic-mode for Coilfang Reservoir dungeons, and Revered with Thrallmar/Honor Hold to unlock the Heroic-mode Difficulty for Hellfire Citadel dungeons. Hope you have had fun reading this far.

7. Complete Trial of the Naaru: Mercy; Trial of the Naaru: Strength; and Trial of the Naaru: Tenacity. No easy task ... for you have to complete the three trials in Heroic-mode. Trash mobs hit for 15,000 non-crit damage, no less. You have to kill Murmur in Auchindoun: Shadow Laberynth, retrieve an unused Axe of the Executioner from Hellfire Citadel: Shattered Halls, Kalithresh's Trident in Coilfang Reservoir: Steamvaults, and to rescue Millhouse Manastorm (gnome) after killing the last boss of Tempest Keep: Arcatraz. Once you have completed those four dungeons in Heroic-mode, return to A'dal and he will grant you the Tempest Key to enter Prince Kael'Thas dungeon -- which requires 25 players. Kill Kael'Thas and loot his Vial of Eternity.

8. Now you need to kill Lady Vashj and loot her Vial of Eternity. No data has been gathered concerning the requirements to enter Lady Vashj's dungeon.

9. By now you should be Friendly with the Scales of the Sands faction.

10. Now you can enter Caverns of Time: Mount Hyjal

In this dungeon you go back in time 4 years into the past to fight alongside Malfurion Stormrage, Tyrande Whisperwind, Thrall, and Jaina Proudmoore against Archimonde and the Burning Legion. Your mission is to stop the Infinity Dragonflight from altering time.



Soridormi: The Battle of Mount Hyjal is one of the most well-guarded events of this timeline. Should an intruder alter its outcome, the impact would extend to all subsequent moments in history.

As the Aspect's prime mate I'm far more in tune with the flow of time than other bronze dragons. I recently sensed a minute ripple in time emanating from the events surrounding the Battle of Mount Hyjal. Someone or something is attempting to change this timeline and they must be stopped.

Soridormi: Seven vials were drawn from the Well of Eternity by Illidan. He poured three into the lake on top of Mount Hyjal and a second Well of Eternity was created. For years the rest were believed lost.

With the opening of the Dark Portal, we've come to know that he gave one each to his lieutenants Kael'thas and Vashj. Retrieve what remains of them; we wil need them as foci to open a gateway to any events tied to Mount Hyjal, recent or ancient. The outcome of the Battle of Mount Hyjal must be preserved.

I've asked the impossible of you, yet I expect you to succeed. Much depends on it.

Soridormi at Caverns of Time wants you to retrieve Vashj's Vial Remnant from Lady Vashj at Coilfang Reservoir and Kael's Vial Remnant from Kael'Thas Sunstrider at Tempest Keep.

Rewards: 24g 60s

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Saturday, January 27, 2007, posted by WoW Fan at 4:33 PM
Quest Overview
The Ring of Blood is a quest line given by a Goblin named Gurgthock in the very north of Nagrand, at the Laughing Skull Ruins. The enterprising Gurgthock has turned an area of the ruins into a pit for some good old-fashioned deathmatches. The player starts off as an inexperienced newbie, and finds him or herself steadily pitted against more powerful foes as they win their matches. The fight only ends when one side is a red stain on the ground! Since the enemies encountered in the Ring of Blood are very powerful, this must be done in a group, preferably with a proper tank and healer.

The Trick
You can use as many people as you want for the fight itself and not just your particular group. Have the group on the quest accept it then hop into the pit and the other people can help kill the mob / heal the tank. Just make sure the group with the quest is getting the aggro on the mob first so they get credit for the kill.

The entire quest line is worth about 2 bars of experience at level 65, 60 gold, and 10 major mana or healing potions with the choice 1 of 6 different weapons equivalent to Naxx gear. Takes about 10 minutes from start to finish with 1 other group helping.

Heres a link to the entire quest line:

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, posted by WoW Fan at 12:26 AM
The Outlands is indeed a huge area to fathom with vast areas to venture as you toil your character to the new Level 70 cap. I received several emails in regards to maps and some questions on those I posted earlier these past 2 weeks. So I've decided to compile them in a Word format so that all of you can download and refer to them as and when the need arises without going on a searching spree online.

I know many of my close network of bloggers told me this is really not a wise thing to do as I will be losing my readership but as I shared with them... "I am first and foremost a World of Warcraft player... this blog is just to share that passion with others". So without further ado, just click on the Word Icon to start the download and do a "save as" and rename the file to your computer if need be or you may click on the link below as well:

>>> Download Outlands Maps - 4.5mb <<<

Enjoy and Happy Hunting!

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Friday, January 26, 2007, posted by WoW Fan at 12:03 AM
This guide was emailed to me from Malcolmx (u're famous now dude.. lol) whom said he found it in some wow forum which he can't remember. Thanks Malcolmx for the contribution.

Please note that the following purely only grinding guide if adhered to strictly, you will 100% obtained level 60 in just 48hrs playing time but would have missed the entire beauty of the game and the joys of running instances with other players. Therefore this kind of leveling technique would only be advisable if you are rerolling another character and just want to level it fast.

Horde Grinding Spots:
0-15 - Questing fastest is the possible exp.
15-20 - The Barrens - Harpies *
15-20 - The Barrens - Bristleback(s) *
20-25 - The Barrens - Bael Dun Exavs *
20-25 - Hillsbrad - Hillsbrad Farmers (etc)
22-26 - Thousand Needles - Galak Scouts (etc) *
26-30 - Hillsbrad - Mud Gnolls *
25-30 - Thousand Needles - Grimtotems
30-38 - Shimmering Flats - All monsters. *
38-40 - Dustwallow Swamp - Very North East Islands, Murlock Warriors/Oracles.

Horde And Alliance Grinding Spots:
40-46 - Feralas - Woodpaws (stay away from the ones that disease for
slow casting speeds) **
46-48 - Feralas - Frayfeather Skystormers *
48-50 - Feralas - Harpies
48-51 - Southwest of Gadgetzan - Thistleshrubs *
50-54 - Western Plaguelands - First 'field' to the left, assorted monsters.
54-60 - Western Plaguelands - Scarlet Lumberjacks
52-60 - Eastern Dire Maul - Lashers ****

* = Recommended

Target EXP Rates:
Levels 30-40 = 18-20k exp/hour
Levels 40-51 = 20-25k exp/hour
Levels 52-60 = 40-50k exp/hour (Dire Maul)

Power Leveling
This is the method the power levelers have used since closed beta and I finally got one of them to give it up. It is by no means the way to go if you want to maximize your experience in the game as this method will bypass almost all the content in the game and essentially ignore many of the fun, unique aspects of WoW. This is not recommended for new players and is meant for players who already have experienced the content and just want to level up an alt to play with their level 60 friends (ie. your level 60 instance group needs a priest and there are no priests to be had). As a benchmark to how successful you are with this, download cosmos (Cosmos) and use the clock feature to measure your xp/hour. At level 50 you should be getting about 40,000+/hour. 1-20: Newbie lands, stick to the friendly zones (not contested). Just grind. The quests are a waste of time up to level 20 if you are focusing on maxing out xp per hour. 20-26: Wetlands quests and raptors/slime/orcs for grinding. Redridge mountain Lakeshire quests.

26-30: Duskwood quests and undead for grinding. Hillsbrad critter roamers for grinding.

30-35: Did these all in a day on Daggerspines in Hillsbrad right next to Southshore along the coast. Huge spawn, very fast respawn rate, easy mobs to kill. Purgation isle (island in the very far Southwest water area of Hillsbrad) also a nice secluded place you can grind on undead.

36-40: Hillsbrad Southshore quests. Desolace quests and kodo grinding for 36-38, then Undead Ravagers in the southeast for 38-40. Cresting exiles at the circle of outer binding in Arathi also for 37-41; extremely easy mobs with a fast respawn. Alterac ogres from 35-40 for grinding. Drywhisker kobolds in Arathi east of Hammerfall for 36-39 for grinding.

41-45: Hinterlands trolls, owl beasts, and wolves for grinding and quests. Badlands ogres, gnolls, and quests.

45-48: Tanaris quests and pirates on the eastern peninsula for grinding. Stranglethorn Vale quests (only if you need rewards imo). Badlands greater elementals for grinding.

48-52: Felwood deadwood gnolls for grinding and quests from the sanctuary in the south. Blasted lands Dreadmauls for grinding. Un'goro crater (best started at 50) for primarily quests and grinding off the plants and tar elementals. Azshara undead highbornes and thunderhead hyppogriffs for grinding.

52-55: Azshara blood elves for grinding. Burning Steppes Dreadmaul Rock ogre caves firegut ogres (very low AC) for grinding. Felwood irontree woods and cave for grinding (great spot). Western Plaguelands questing for argent dawn and grinding on undead throughout the various camps.

55-58: Eastern plaguelands quests from the sanctuary, grinding on undead at the ruined towns. Winterspring grinding at winterfall village or Lake Kel'Theril undead highbornes (my personal favorite camp). Blackrock Stronghold in Burning Steppes for grinding.

58-60: "The" yeti cave in Winterspring, due Southeast of Everlook (very nice place). Grosh Gok compound ogres in Deadwind pass (great spot, no one knows about it). Eastern plaguelands Fungal Vale undead grinding and argent dawn token farming. MoonOwls in northeast Winterspring for grinding.

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Thursday, January 25, 2007, posted by WoW Fan at 12:48 AM
Of all the addons I have used in my entire WOW lifetime... Auctioneer is one which I really appreciate and a must have. Unfortunately recently since the 'Before the Storm' patch, they did not release a working Auctioneer.

Well I got very good news cause 2 days ago, Auctioneer Gamma Version is finally released and after testing it myself, it seems to be working very well. Now I can really start camping the Auction House again and hopefully get good bargains and in-turn make some profits.

To download the new version, just visit this download page of theirs:

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007, posted by WoW Fan at 4:35 PM
With the gloomy Outlands sky hanging above me, my mind was pondering at my luckless streak over my adventures into instances these pass few days. Then a suddenly a lone silhouette was appearing up ahead running towards me. I quickly draw out my sword to prepare myself in battle stance just as a precaution.

Within the next few yards I felt calmer as I was quite sure he was a fellow Tauren just making his way to Shattrath City.
From afar he greeted me with a salute and I quickly return the greeting with a quick friendly wave. As he was passing me with him still being targeted from the earlier wave gesture, I looked up and got a shock of my dear life...

He was
Level 42! [ /faint ]

Well apparently there are 2 ways to get to Outlands below Level 58:
1] Get a Mage with the Shattrath Portal to open a portal for you to Shattrath City.
2] Get a Warlock who is in Outlands to summon you.

In my opinion if you wanna do this for fun its fine and dandy but I think its more beneficial to those around level 54-56 with a strong guild or higher level friends to go there and do a few instance runs.

Once you are in Shattrath City, make sure you make it your new home. You can always travel to all your faction's cities via the portals in Shattrath.

Here is a Screenshot taken yesterday:

If this stop working in the near future, please drop a comment here so I can add a note on this post. Thanks!

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, posted by WoW Fan at 5:30 AM
Alternative patch download free sites:

Read all about it at 2.0.6 Patch Notes

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, posted by WoW Fan at 12:56 AM
Enchant Boots - Dexterity : Permanently enchant a piece of boots armor to grant +12 Agility.
Enchant Boots - Surefooted : Permanently enchant boots to give 5% snare and root resistance as well as a 1% bonus to hit.
Enchant Boots - Vitality : Permanently enchant boots to restore 4 mana and health every 5 seconds.

Enchant Bracer - Brawn : Permanently enchants bracers to increase Strength by 12.
Enchant Bracer - Stats : Permanently enchants bracers to increase all stats by 4.
Enchant Bracer - Major Defense : Permanently enchants bracers to increase your defense by 8.
Enchant Bracer - Restore Mana Prime : Permanently enchants bracers to restore 6 mana every 5 seconds.
Enchant Bracer - Spellpower : Permanently enchants bracers to increase damage done by spells by up to 15.
Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing : Permanently enchants bracers to increase the effect of healing spells by up to 30.

Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health : Permanently enchant a piece of chest armor to grant +150 health.
Enchant Chest - Exceptional Mana : Permanently enchant a piece of chest armor to grant +150 mana.
Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats : Permanently enchant a piece of chest armor to increase all stats by 6.

Enchant Cloak - Major Armor : Permanently enchant a cloak to give a 120 additional armor.
Enchant Cloak - Major Resistance : Permanently enchant a cloak to increase all resistances by 7.

Enchant Ring - Healing Power : Permanently enchant a ring to increase healing spell effects by up to 20.
Enchant Ring - Spellpower : Permanently enchant a ring to add up to 12 damage to spells.
Enchant Ring - Stats : Permanently enchant a ring to increase all stats by 4.
Enchant Ring - Weapon Might : Permanently enchant a ring to add 2 damage to physical attacks.

Enchant Shield - Tough Shield : Permanently enchant a shield to give 18 additional block value.
Enchant Shield - Shield Block : Permanently enchant a shield to give +15 Shield Block Rating.
Enchant Shield - Intellect : Permanently enchant a shield to give 12 intellect.
Enchant Shield - Resistance : Permanently enchant a shield to increase resistance to all magic schools by 5.

Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster : Permanently enchant a weapon to give a chance on striking to heal your party of 50 damage over 10 seconds.
Enchant Weapon - Major Spirit : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Spirit by 35.
Enchant Weapon - Major Striking : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to do 7 additional points of damage.
Enchant Weapon - Major Intellect : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to grant +30 Intellect.
Enchant Weapon - Potency : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to add 20 Strength.
Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to add up to 40 damage to all spells.
Enchant Weapon - Sunfire : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to add up to 50 damage to fire and arcane spells.
Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to add up to 54 damage to frost and shadow spells.
Enchant Weapon - Mongoose : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to occasionally increase Agility by 120 and attack speed slightly.
Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to have a 3% chance on spellcast to restore 100 mana to all party members of 10 seconds.
Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Agility : Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to add 35 Agility.
Enchant 2H Weapon - Savagery : Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase attack power by 70.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007, posted by WoW Fan at 2:10 PM
If you're level 64 and above by now with fairly good new armors from Outlands, then this would be a huge money making technique for you to explore and profit from. Generally you can make in access of 450g in 2-3 hours depending on your luck and class efficiency.

So what should you be farming for? Righteous Orbs of course!

Since the release of the Burning Crusade expansion, they have increased the drop rate of Righteous Orbs in Stratholme Live (Scarlet Side) to about 6-10 orbs per run. So if you are able to do this solo, you'd be generating a huge amount of gold especially if you're a Rogue or Druid. Nevertheless even doing this with 2-3 people is still very profitable.

There is definitely a market for Righteous Orbs at this time cause from my observation there seem to be a lot of players who wanted to enchant Crusader to their new found TBC weapons. The price of Righteous Orb on my server is still hovering between 50-60g each but do refrain yourself from flooding the Auction house with your Righteous Orbs... just put up 1 or 2 every hour or so.

Needless to say if you are an Enchanter, this would be even sweeter by offering to enchant Crusader at a slightly cheaper rate and save potential buyers the hassle of having to purchase the materials themselves.

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, posted by WoW Fan at 2:40 AM
Article Credit: Mose


Auchenai Key (Everyone in the party needs this key to be able to play this heroic instance)
Requires Lower City - Revered
"Unlocks access to Heroic mode for Auchindoun dungeons."
Sells in: Shattrath City, Lower City

Flamewrought Key (Everyone in the party needs this key to be able to play this heroic instance)
Requires Honor Hold - Revered
"Unlocks Heroic Difficulty for Hellfire Citadel dungeons."
Sells in: Hellfire Peninsula, Honor Hold (Alliance)

Key of Time (Everyone in the party needs this key to be able to play this heroic instance)
Requires Keepers of Time - Revered
"Unlocks Heroic Difficulty for Caverns of Time dungeons."
Sells in: Tanaris, Caverns of Time

Reservoir Key (Everyone in the party needs this key to be able to play this heroic instance)
Requires Cenarion Expedition - Revered
"Unlocks Heroic Difficulty for Coilfang Reservoir dungeons."
Sells in: Zangarmarsh, Cenarion Refuge

Warpforged Key (Everyone in the party needs this key to be able to play this heroic instance)
Requires The Sha'tar - Revered
"Unlocks Heroic Difficulty for Tempest Keep dungeons."
Sells in: Shattrath City, Terrace of Light


Shattred Halls Key (only one in the party needs this key to be able to play the instance)
Kill a Blacksmith orc called "Smith Gorlunk" outside The Black Temple Loot the ("this-begins-a-quest") item "Primed Key Mold" from him and take:
-Entry into the Citadel (Completes in Honor Hold for Alliance)
-Grand Master Dumphry (Completes in Honor Hold for Alliance)
-Dumphry's Request (4 Fel Iron Bar, 2 Arcane Dust, 4 Motle of Fire
-Hotter then Hell (kill a Fel Reaver in Hellfire peninsula)
Quest reward for the quest "Hotter then Hell" is the Key to Shattred Halls

Shadow Labyrinth Key (only one in the party needs this key to be able to play the instance)
Unlocks the gate to Shadow Labyrinth
Drops from the Last boss in Sethekk Halls

Key to the Arcatraz (only one in the party needs this key to be able to play the instance)
"Unlocks the Arcatraz satellite of Tempest Keep."
Questline: Starts in Netherstorm, Stormspire
-Triangulation Point one
--Triangulation Point two
---Full Triangle (elite)
----Special Delivery to Shattrath City
-----Breaking in to Arcatraz (Completes in The Botanica and The Mechanar)

The Master's Key (Everyone in the raid needs this key to be able to play the instance)
Unlocks the Karazhan Instance
Questline: Starts just outside Karazhan
-Arcane Disturbances
--Contact from Dalaran
----Entry Into Karazhan (Completes in Shadow Labyrinth)
-----The Second and Third Fragments (Completes in The Steamvault and Arcatraz)

Tempest Keep, Eye of the Storm key
Questline starts in Shadowmoon Valley at a guy named "Oronok Torn-heart"
First you do some small quests for him, then he sends you out to find his 3 sons.
After you have found them and done all quests you get a quest to kill a golemagg-lookalike (5 man group) When you have done that Oronok Torn-heart sends you to Shattrath City and there you can pick up 3 quests and in all 3 it stands like this:
"Four trials you must pass before you are deemed worthy of the Tempest key"
"Trial of the Naaru: Mercy (Heroic)" Completes in Shattred Halls, Heroic
"Trial of the Naaru: Strength (Heroic)" Completes in Steamwault and Shadow Labyrinth, Heroic
"Trial of the Naaru: Tenacity (Heroic)" Completes in Arcatraz, Heroic
After all this is done, you get the Tempest Key

Caverns of Time, Mount Hyjal Questline
First you need to save Thrall in Durnholde keep after that is done you can do Black Morass. In Black Morass you can take a quest from a guy in the beginning of the instance and when you have killed the last boss in that instance and completed it, you can take the quest:
"The Vials of Eternity (raid)" just outside Black Morass.
Completes in Eye of the Storm(Tempest Keep) and Serpentshrine Cavern(Coilfang Reservoir)
After this is done, you will most likely get the key to Mount Hyal

Serpentshrine Cavern Questline
Halfway through The Slave Pens Heroic (Coilfang Reservoir) there was a guy that gave me the quest: The Cudgel of Kar'Desh and the quest reward is:
"The following Spell will be cast on you:
50000 yd range
Allows the wearer to enter Serpentshrine Cavern: Lair of lady Vashj"
Quest Objectives: Loot the Earthen Signet from Gruul in Gruuls Lair and the Blazing Signet from Nightbane in Karazhan

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Monday, January 22, 2007, posted by WoW Fan at 5:52 PM
This post is a special Thank You gesture to all you guys and gals for supporting my blog. I shall continue to do my utmost best to bring the best guides and strategies for your reading pleasure everyday if health and my unstable internet line permits. Anyways lets get on with the exploit itself.

Well sometimes I wonder, wouldn't it be nice to enter an instance and go straight to the boss rather than picking a long and tedious fight with all the spawns when the only thing I am looking forward to is the boss loot?

Well to my surprise, a friend shared with me recently that it is indeed possible in Hellfire Ramparts instance.

Here is how it is accomplished:
1] Look at the right side of the wall immediately as you enter the instance.
2] Wall jump up this wall (give it a few tries but it does take some practice).
3] When you get to that top part, go as far as you can then press left and then forward.
4] Then you'll reach the middle area where each path leads you to a boss!

Late yesterday evening, 5 of us went in and after a few practice jumps, we finally managed to make it through. I have to be honest and share with you all that I was one of the worst jumpers among the others perhaps due to my tiredness but I did managed to do it. After the practice run, we managed to run the instance again 3 more times in an hour... woot!

I do believe this will be fixed not too long from now, so enjoy it while you can!

Happy Hunting!

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, posted by WoW Fan at 5:23 PM
Looking for the latest V2.0+ wow addons? Well here is a simple html list of all the addons made from the Ace platform. Amongst all of the addons available, some are absolutely fantastic like Cartographer. Most important of all, they are always troubleshooting and updating the list. The list is arranged with timestamp, revision date and short description.

- View The List Here -

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, posted by WoW Fan at 8:06 AM
The Shattered Halls is a level 70 elite instance in Hellfire Peninsula, serving as the third wing of Hellfire Citadel, with Kargath Bladefist as the final boss. The instance is one of the first endgame instances in The Burning Crusade players will encounter.

In order to be allowed to access, players must get a key. The quest to make it begins in Shadowmoon Valley with Smith Gorlunk.

Grand Warlock Nethekurse
When you approach Grand Warlock Nethekurse, he will have 3 non-elite Fel Converts standing in front of him. After the 3rd of these are killed (the order does not matter), Nethekurse will attack the group.

Throughout the fight, he will place down 'void zones' that will begin to do 1000 Shadow damage per second after 1 second of being placed. Moving out of these as soon as possible is advisable for everyone including the tank.

He will also Death Coil random people which will do 2000 Shadow damage to the person hit, fear them for 4 seconds, and heal Nethekurse (presumably for 2000 HP).

At around 20% HP, Nethekurse will engage his 'Dark Spin' ability, in which he will begin to hit anyone directly around him for 2000 Physical damage and spit out Shadowbolts at random people in the group in rapid succession. The Shadowbolts hit for around 1500 Shadow Damage, and it is best to burn his remaining HP as quick as possible to limit deaths and a possible wipe.
- Grand Warlock Nethekurse's Loot Link -

Warbringer O'mrogg
He is an Ogre with threat reduction and wiping abilities. Numerous time during the fight he will just up and decide to walk over and start banging on your healer. Make sure whoever acquires aggro immediately moves towards the tank for a quick hand-off.
- Warbringer O'mrogg's Loot Link -

Warchief Kargath Bladefist
The fight against Warchief Kargath can be messy if not handled properly, so everyone needs to be fully awake for this fight. When the group is ready to move in, they must follow closely behind the tank. Enemies spawn to cover the instance, much like in the Onyxia encounter, so anyone who falls behind will quickly die. Assign one damage class to guard the entrance as a steady stream of enemies come running in during the encounter; In the above video the Rogue plays this role. The tank should move the boss into the southwest corner with his back to the wall and everyone should spread out as Kargath will occasionally go into a "whirlwind blade dance". Strong and steady healing with the ability to take out the extra enemy "adds" will make or break this fight.
- Warchief Kargath Bladefist's Loot Link -

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, posted by WoW Fan at 12:12 AM
Article Credit: Rolande

NOTE: Most of this instance's bosses are level 63, so being level 61 and not having them orange to you would be very helpful. Watch out for rogues, as they are stealthed all over the instance. They hit really hard and have a poison that can kill. Poison should be cured as fast as possible. The imps in this dungeon aren't like other ones. they hit 1000+ fireballs, and should be taken out first rather than last. There are also summoners in here, which can wipe entire groups if their casting isn't kicked. Technicians drop Proximity bombs, and rogues should get rid of them in stealth. DO NOT go near them as they deal 1800 damage to everyone around it. That should be all the special mobs. Now on with the bosses!

The Maker
This guy is a plain DPS fight. He will MC people once in a while, which could earn death if he does it to your healer or tank. So be careful. Sheep the MC'd people and DPS him down, and this is an easy fight. His main abilities are:
  • A melee knockup attack which will hit everyone in melee range and appears to have a threat reduction component.
  • A random target short-duration mind control which cannot be purged or dispelled. However, if the tank is mind controled, The Maker can be kited so the Adepts can remove the mind control.
  • A acid spray which appears to be a shortrange cone AoE.
- The Maker's Loot Link -

This boss is ugly, and really weak. The problem is getting to him. This boss is really easy to DPS down as he has really low health. The problem is the 4 groups of mobs you have to go through to get to him. When you pull the lever, the gate to the left (facing Broggok) will open. 3 Non-Elites will come out, easy right? The second gate will open. Same 3 Non-Elites. This is where it gets hard. The third gates open and 2 Non-Elites and 2 Elites come out. Kill the elites first, as they hit much harder than the non-elites. The 4th gate opens and is the same as the 3rd fight. Then Broggok comes out. This boss has low health but his poison hits hard. Whatever you do DO NOT GO BEHIND THIS BOSS!!!! He leaves a trail of poison that hurts extremely badly. He also shoots poison bolts, but they only hit 200-450 so its ok.
- Broggok's Loot Link -

Keli'Dan the Breaker
This boss is strange. Its like a dance of the group. Basically, kill the channelers which have relatively low hit points and he will come out. Just DPS him down. He explodes for a ton of damage. He has a cone-shaped AoE Shadowbolt attack that hits for 2-3k, so it is generally wise to have the tank hold him facing away from the rest of the group. Once in a while he will say "Come closer and BURN!", and he will kneel down which makes him immune to all damage, then after a couple seconds explode for 4-5k damage to anyone in close range. The tank (and any melee DPS) should run out when he yells to avoid this attack.
- Keli'Dan the Breaker's Loot Link -

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Sunday, January 21, 2007, posted by WoW Fan at 3:00 PM
Article Credit: Rolande

Watchkeeper Gargolmar
Alright this is the first boss. If you cant kill this boss then get a new group. He is probably the easiest of all the bosses in HFC. Just a good old DPS fight. Just make sure you kill the 2 mobs he walks around with first! When Gargolmar gets low he will call out for healing. If they aren't dead, they will heal him. If by any chance they do start healing him, Shield Bash or Kick them. Other than the healing, this boss is like any other mob you have killed so far.
- Watchkeeper Gargolmar's Loot Link -

Omor the Unscarred
This boss isn't hard if you know what to do. Every once in a while he will curse you, but the curse doesn't do any damage to you, just to those around you. Therefore, the main thing to do in this fight is to spread out. This should be a ranged DPS only match. If you have too many melee DPS'rs, when one gets cursed the tank could die.
- Omor the Unscarred's Loot Link -

Nazan & Vazruden
This is hard boss if your not careful. When this boss is flying around he won't agro, but as soon as you kill the 2 mobs on the bridge (not the pats, the other ones), Nazan will drop Vazruden off in the middle of the circle. He MUST be tanked at the wall on the opposite side of the bridge, but you need to spread out. Nazan will shoot fireballs from above that explode and leave fire blazes (kinda like the Bat Boss in ZG and Onyxia combined). GET OUT OF THE FIRE as it hurts very badly. Nobody should be near the bridge at all. When Vazruden gets low Nazan will come down and attack. The tank should pick him up ASAP. If he doesn't it could mean a wipe. Tank Nazan on the wall opposite the bridge, and do not go near his head. This boss is like a mini Onyxia, and should be treated as though he was Onyxia. The tank should put on some FR gear, but it really is not needed for the fight.
- Nazan's Loot Link -
- Vazruden's Loot Link -

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, posted by WoW Fan at 1:18 PM
For those cooks who MUST have their recipe portfolio completed just to feel satisfied like myself... well there is good news! With the launch of Burning Crusade expansion comes several new low level cooking recipe which you might just miss out. So here is a list of them which I found:

Recipe: Lynx Steak
Level: 5
Type: Purchase

Recipe: Roasted Moongraze Tenderloin
Level: 5
Type: Quest Reward

Recipe: Bat Bites
Level: 15
Type: Purchase

Recipe: Crunchy Spider Surprise
Level: 15
Type: Quest Reward

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, posted by WoW Fan at 12:01 AM
Credits for the following info: MysticZ, Onoipor & Teza

You will be wearing the following TBC Dungeon sets until you can get T4-T5 armor sets, so i thought it would be good for you to know where they drop, the stats, set bonuses and armor skin.

Click on the armor part link to view the stats, which instance and boss drop the item or view table right at the bottom for some general info. Enjoy!

Druid Moonglade Set

Hunter Beast Lord Set

Mage Incanter Regalia Set

Paladin Righteous Set

Priest Hallowed Rainment Set

Rogue Assassination Set

Shaman Tidefury Set

Warlock Oblivion Set

Warrior Bold Set

Misc. DPS Sets

Cloth Mana-Etched Set

Leather Wastewalker Set
Pants - Unknown ATM

Mail Desolation Set

Plate Doomplate Set

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