Wednesday, July 15, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 2:10 AM
I use these free teleports all the time to get my 80 somewhere fast. The simple trick is in keeping these quests in your log and not handing them in. That's all you have to do to enjoy free travels to various cities and locations.

Fate, Up Against Your Will
This quest or the follow-up will provide you with a free teleport from Stormwind to a phased version of Orgrimmar which is helpful if you wanna fish up Old Crafty, get RFC achievement or just a quick way into the Durotar area. There will also remain a portal back into Stormwind inside Thrall's room.
Location: Stormwind to Orgrimmar

The Killing Time
This quest requires the previous 2 completed and is the 4th in the quest chain. It will provide a portal into a phased Undercity. I prefer the Orgrimmar portal myself though as I find it more useful.
Location: Anywhere to Undercity

Where in the World is Hemet Nesingwary?
This quest starts at Krasus Landing in Dalaran and will teleport u in a few seconds to the very center of Sholazar Basin. I really don't think it's worth handing in this quest as its been saving me a lot of time going on my herbalist/miner for a quick area sweep. Besides, the rewards are peanuts anyways.
Location: Dalaran to Sholazar Basin

Preparations for War
This quest also starts at Krasus Landing in Dalaran and will teleport u in a few seconds to your factions zep in Icecrown. Helpful if you wanna go straight to doing the dailies on the ship instead of looking for the zep on the map etc.
Location: Dalaran to Icecrown

The Keeper's Favor
This quest grants you a teleport into Moonglade from Crusaders' Pinnacle in Icecrown which could be useful for.. grinding Timbermaw rep.. grinding the nearby oozeling.. grinding the Winterspring Frostsaber quest.. or even getting your Leatherworking skill up on the little critters there.
Location: Icecrown to Moonglade

The Boon of A'dal
This is the end of a long chain quest with some decent rewards for a starting character, but if you don't turn this quest in then it is essentially treated like a portal to Dalaran from Shattrath. Not very useful for most, but people doing, say, Old Man Barlo's fishing may want to simply not turn it in. Each time you pick up the quest you are ported to Dalaran.
Location: Shattrath to Dalaran

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Monday, July 13, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 2:34 AM
So if you happen to level a new alchemist on your new character and managed to get to 350 (and lvl 68), then you get to choose a specialization. I obviously wanted Elixir mastery since I understand that it is the most profitable one.

So I went to pick up the quest and as soon as I saw BM I died a little from the inside as I couldn't be bothered farming the rep so I dropped it. I then went to pick up Pot Mastery instead, I saw it involved BoT and dropped it also since no one seems to be running those instances anymore.

Hence I took up Transmutation Mastery and thought it might come in handy especially with the 3.2 patch for gems transmutations.

But it kinda saddened me that I wouldn't make any decent profit till 3.2 so I decided I'd drop the Transmutation Master specialization (which I had become) and do the Elixir quest with the help of a guild mate of mine.

So I went up to pick the quest and figured out that because I had become Transmute Master, I could become Elixir Master without doing the darn quest and thankfully I was right.

So, to summarized this all up:

1. Become Trans Master (4 Primal Mights like 50g on my server)
2. Drop It
3. Go to the Elixir Master in Shat or Pot Master in Zangarmash
4. Become one of the above with only 150g spend and no rep farming effort

This is for people leveling alts or stuck on a Mastery they do not want. I am pretty sure it is old and all, but sometimes the simplest of things can be overlooked.

As a side note, you need to go to your current mastery trainer to drop it before you can take up a new alchemy specialization of your choice.

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Sunday, July 12, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 2:16 AM
Select your preferred button or number that can be used in game to activate a macro, I personally use the 1 button so I can put the macro on the skill bar and not have to mess with my keybinds. But if you have a certain button you like, go ahead and use that as long as you are comfortable with it.

So now we have a macro slot selected, let us make the macro first. Choose an empty slot and go to Assign Macro > Create New Macro, This will open up a new box.

If you already have a macro there that's fine, just make a new one, doesn't matter what it is named although you might want to name it something you will recognize if you use multiple macros like I do. Then make sure Auto Loot is ON.

If you're milling type in the following in accordance to the pigment you're looking for:

Alabaster Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Bloodthistle
/use Peacebloom
/use Silverleaf
/use Earthroot
/use Mageroyal

Dusky Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Briarthorn
/use Swiftthistle
/use Bruiseweed
/use Stranglekelp

Golden Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Wild Steelbloom
/use Grave Moss
/use Kingsblood
/use Liferoot

Emerald Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Fadeleaf
/use Goldthorn
/use Khadgar's Whiskers
/use Wintersbite

Violet Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Firebloom
/use Purple Lotus
/use Arthas' Tears
/use Sungrass
/use Blindweed
/use Ghost Mushroom
/use Gromsblood

Silvery Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Golden Sansam
/use Dreamfoil
/use Mountain Silversage
/use Plaguebloom
/use Icecap

Nether Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Dreaming Glory
/use Felweed
/use Flame Cap
/use Mana Thistle
/use Netherbloom
/use Nightmare Vine
/use Ragveil
/use Terocone
/use Ancient Lichen

Azure Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Goldclover
/use Tiger Lily
/use Deadnettle
/use Adder's Tongue
/use Talandra's Rose
/use Peacebloom
/use Icethorn
/use Lichbloom

It's important that you will always have a stack of 5 of these herbs and if you have an uneven stack, just remove it from your bag. So just make sure you have stacks in multiples of 5, ie. 5,10,15,20 nothing like 11, or 14, or 19, to improve efficiency.

If you want to make a separate macro for each type of pigment that's fine, just switch them out when you want to mill those herbs. Again it is totally up to you.

This is pretty much it for the milling. After you are done milling then just make your ink or sell the pigment or whatever you want to do.

A good tip to keep in mind for Azure pigment is that Adder's Tongue, at least on my server goes for roughly 20-22g and sometimes less, and has a 50% chance to mill Icy Pigment, which turns into Snowfall Ink, which can be very profitable. So I try to buy as much Adder's Tongue as I can cheaply and mill that for cash.

Let us now move unto the enchanting or disenchanting macro section. There isn't much to this either. You just have to make a new WoW macro and type the following based on the most common item or items you use to disenchant with:

/cast disenchant
/use [item name]

You can also add multiple items to the macro too, just go to the next line and add like so:

/cast disenchant
/use [item name]
/use [item name]
/use [item name]
/use [item name]

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Saturday, July 11, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 6:53 AM
Hit and Spell Hit rating is a crucial stat for any serious raider as it reduces the chance to miss with your attack. The following guide is to assist you in understanding the hit cap for both melee and spellcasters depending on class and talent specs:

Spell Hit

26.232 HR is worth 1% Hit
Initial spell hit is 17%, which is 446 HR.

This drops to 14% (368) with 3% talents, which most caster classes have, or 13% (342) for a Balance Druid with Balance of Power.
Mages: Arcane Focus, Precision
Warlocks: Suppression
Priests: Shadow Focus
Shamans: Elemental Precision

This drops again to 11% (289) with 3% hit raid buffs (Imp Faerie Fire from Balance Druids, and Misery from Shadow Priests).

This drops again to 10% (263) including the Draenei racial (Heroic Presence)

For Night Elf Balance Druids, who get a 4% talent instead of 3%, this means they only need 9% (236) to hit cap, if grouped with a Draenei, and specced into Imp FF.

Melee Hit

Melee's a little more complicated. It works out to be 32.79 HR per 1% of hit.

Standard (White damage) melee single wield hit is 8% (263) (So 1h and shield, 2h)
Standard (White damage) melee dual wield hit is 28% (886) (2 1h, or DW 2h with Titans Grip)

However special attacks (Yellow damage) with dual wield, have only an 8% cap.

Initial melee hit is 8% (263), both single and dual wield, for yellow damage

That goes down to 5% (164) with specific talents below:
Death Knights: Nerves of Cold Steel
Hunters: Focused Aim
Warriors: Precision

That drops again to 4% (132) for all those classes with a Draenei in party.

With increased talents in other classes, we also have:
3% (99) for a Rogue with 5/5 Precision.
2% (66) For a Rogue with 5/5 Precision and a Draenei in party.
2% (66) For an Enhancement Shaman with 3/3 in Dual Wield Specialisation.
1% (33) for Enhancement Shaman with their own racial (Alliance only) and 3/3 Dual Wield Specialisation.

I've also been informed that a Rogues Poison's work from the spell cap. I've done a little research on this and it looks like Poisons need 14% (368HR), after accounting for 5/5 Precision, or 13% (342) after Heroic Presence. However similar to spellcasters, poisons will benefit from Misery/IFF, which will lower the poison cap to 11% (289) without Heroic Presence, and 10% (263) with a Draenei in party. Once a Rogue hits this, they'll be capped for both poisons and yellow damage, but white damage will still be uncapped, similar to most dual wield classes.
(Thanks to Dragaei, who let me know poisons used a separate amount.)

Hope this guide will come in handy for you raiders, and eliminate any confusion over hit caps.

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Thursday, July 9, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 9:19 PM
This is a fishing exploit to obtain the elusive Giant Sewer Rat and Dalaran Fountain Coins achievement from fishing at one particular spot at the Dalaran fountain. This method will no doubt save you bundle of time hunting for these achievements. In regards to the coin achievements, it comes in a variety of 3 which are:

- A Penny For Your Thoughts (copper coins)
- Silver in the City (silver coins)
- There's Gold In That There Fountain (gold coins)

To begin with, all you have to do is stand at this particular spot (red circle) as shown in the screenshot below:

Your cast will drop in the above 3 shown locations and you will alternate between fishing in the fountain and fishing in the sewer. Getting the coin achievement may come somewhat easy but be prepared to fish for countless hours to get that Giant Sewer Rat.


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Wednesday, July 8, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 1:08 AM
One of my favorite things to do on off-days or just prior to the weekly server maintenance is to run Molten Core and BWL with a friend. Not only is it fun, but you can easily make a lot of gold while doing it! Here is what you will be farming or looking out for:

Molten Core

*Golemagg the Incinerator is a fairly simple boss that has a chance to drop 1-2 Sulfuron Ingot. On my server, these ingots go for around 900G as people still like to get the hand of ragnaros as a throphy. You and a friend should be able to get to him in a few minutes by timing your runs, swimming in some lava, and jumping off the bridge over him.

*Fiery Core has a pretty good chance of dropping off Firewalkers and other trash mobs is MC. On my server, these sell for about 70G each.

* Most of the bosses in MC can drop patterns and recipes for items/enchants which cannot be found anywhere else. Believe it or not, many of these are very rare and are worth quite a lot. In one run I got 2 enchanting recipes which I posted on the AH for 500G each or more. They sold within 2 hours. If you don't see the item in the AH, feel free to post it for a crazy price, there are always collectors that want it.

*Tier Collectors still exist in the game. In one full run, my friend and I got 6 BoE bracers/belts. Although these aren't worth as much as they were back at 60, I still manage to sell them for 80G each.

A Ret Paladin and Feral Druid should be able to clear every single boss in MC in 1-2 hours by self healing with JoL and SoL. Practically any class combos can do this and some well geared people can even solo the entire place.

Here are some basic strategies for 2 manning this thing:

Lucifron: Kill the adds then take down the boss
Magmadar: Tank and spank
Baron Geddon: Tank and spank, dispel mana drain and watch out for bombs.
Garr: Kill the adds and take down the boss
Gehennas: Kill adds then quickly burn boss down. If you cannot decurse, this will be hard, he reduces healing by 75%.
Golemagg the Incinerator: Tank adds while killing boss.
Shazzrah: Tank and spank
Sulfuron Harbinger: Nuke his healers, take out his adds, then burn boss.
Majordomo Executus: Kill his healers then the other adds. He will surrender after they die.
Ragnaros: Tank and spank, kill adds, tank and spank.

BlackWing Lair

For this, you will need a small group. I did it with 4 well geared people but you may need more. After you kill the first three bosses, you will face Firemaw. He can be a little tricky so you can leave him up if you want, just pull when he is on his patrol. Blackwing Technicians have a 12% chance to drop Elementium Ore. On my server, the ore sells for 250G a piece. If you pull a group of technicians, kill all of them but 1, and jump off the ledge and run out of the instance, the surviving technician will run back and the group will respawn. Simply run back and loot the ones you killed then repeat the process. The beauty of this is that you can 1-2 man depending on your class. I usually ask my party to skip them then return with a friend to farm them. You can sell a stack of Elementium Ore for 5000G on my server.

Although there are better ways of making money, I personally have a lot more fun running these old instances and the gold isn't bad either. Granted, a lot of it depends on your server and luck. Happy farming!

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