Saturday, December 12, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 1:20 AM

With the latest patch a new item was implented in the game known as Battered Hilt, this item starts the Quel'Delar questline which i assume ALOT of people will be doing.

Note: This ONLY drops in heroic mode from: Pit of Saron, Halls of Reflection and the Forge of Souls.

1] Get the battered hilt, random trash mob drop in Icecrown 5mans.

2] Turn it in to an npc in Icecrown, just south of the argent tournament grounds.

3] Starts quest "What The Dragons Know" - sends you to Krasus at the top of the Wyrmrest Temple, you have to talk to the npc at the top before the quest completes. Then you turn it in to Magister Hathorel inside your Horde/Alliance area in Dalaran.

4] NPC sends you to underbelly and find a Silver Covenant agent, and kill him and search the body for Orders. The underbelly is the Dalaran sewers. I located the agent standing in front of the sewers innkeeper. Upon leaving the sewers another agent ambushed me and netted me down.

5] Turned in orders back at the NPC you got this quest from; The next part you have to get a Borrowed Tabard from Shandy Glossgleam. He is located on the balcony above the Threads of Fate shop. The problem is only one person can use him at a time, you can talk to him when he is free and start a mini-event to help him do his laundry. Simply stand back and click the item he calls out, pants/shirt/unmentionables/water. When you do about 10 things for his laundry list, he will drop a bag next to the tub containing the tabard you need.

6] Return with the tabard to the npc in your horde/alliance inn. You now become disguised for 5 MINS from the time you accept the quest.

7] You have 5 minutes with the disguise (if it wears off, the npc can renew it). As a horde I had to go to the silver enclaive and talk to an npc, the tabard kept the guards from teleporting me out. Talk to the npc att the top and get the book you need, then get out before the disguise wears off. Sadly this is the most epic disguise you might ever wear as a horde, and its only for 5 minutes...

8] With the book of blades in hand, go back to your npc at the inn. Now the next pat has you deliver the book to Myraion Sunblade. He is at Quel'Delar's Rest, south of the Argent Tournament grounds where this all began.

9] Turn it in and enjoy the show! (make sure your sound is on!) - The Blood-Queen Lana'thel finally shows herself.

10] You are now on Reforging The Sword: You now must get 5 Infused Saronite Bars from the Pit of Saron 5man in Icecrown Citadel. You must gather bars and capture the forgemaster's hammer, then bring them to the forgemaster's anvil to reforge the sword. The bars are located all over near the slaves, there are enough of them around the entrance where even after you cleared the instance you can go back and grab them. The hammer drops off the giant forgemaster, and you can forge your sword at the anvils all around him. Go outside the instance and turnin the quest at the npc outside the icecrown 5mans, he is also there.

11] Next you go to the Forge of Souls, go to the very end at the last boss, kill him, and forge your sword. That simple. Exit forge of souls, turnin quest again at the npc outside the 5mans. Now into the halls of reflection.

12] This is it, the big shabang. Use your sword at the beginning of the instance, Uther The Lightbringer will be waiting and start screaming at you for the mistake your making. Defeat the essence of the sword when it attacks you, then loot it. Zone out and turn it in again.

13] Head to Sunwell aisle, talk to the npc at the entrance to the plateau. He will tell you to go get your blessing to use the weapon. Head to the south end of the Dead Scar on the isle of Quel'Danas, and then head up into the scar about 50 yards. Click the corpse, enjoy the speech, then DEFEND HIM. You must keep the npc alive. You CAN buff and heal him, even bandage him. Two waves of level 80 adds spawn, their easy to aoe and let him tank/aoe. Then a 3rd wave of three 18k hp spiders spawn, take them out. Finally the boss standing nearby watching, becomes attackable. Just blow all cooldowns and nuke him, hes an elite with 37k hp, easily soloed.

14] Follow your map, back to the npc at the entrance of the Sunwell Plateau and turn in the quest after you have the ghost's blessing.

15) Turn in your quest, then grab the next. Now your ready to win the game. Talk to the warden at the Sunwell entrance to have him personally enter and escort you in. You are now in one of the coolest rooms in any dungeon int he game! Travel down the hill through the Shrine of the Eclipse and to the bottom. Once you are at the bottom, stand next to the beam of the Sunwell, and use your blade. Your sword will be restored and will appear as a lootable item around one of the sides of the Sunwell. During the process, one of the guards might become a little.. scared.. and attack you, but you'll remain relatively unharmed.
(Note: Turn on your game music, it gets pretty epic).

16] Take the nearby portal in that room to dalaran with your newfound weapon. Well, you don't have to, but you need to go back to ice crown. Go back to the rest just south of the argent tournament grounds.

17] Your done! Grab the quest and head back to Dalaran and get your new found epic weapon!

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Monday, November 2, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 1:16 AM

Well folks, in Grizzly Hills there is a quest where you have to escort Harrison Jones to safety. Before he runs to the exit, he enters a ceremonial chamber, frees some chicks and then a giant elite snake appears. Now, this snake spawns many trolls with about 1.5k hp all the time depending on your level of course.

The Exploit:

These trolls die in 2-3 hits since they got so low hp, but they give the same xp as any normal mob with the usual 10-12k. This allows you to grind xp quite fast. Of course you shouldn't dps the snake cause if he dies, you gotta reset the quest.

Just let Harrison jones fight the snake while you do the adds. After a while, Harrison will die, but you can just retake quest and do it all over (doesn't take all too long to get to the snake part again). If you have some kind of heal or dispell you can help Harrison a bit by healing/dispelling him to make the fight last longer which in return means more exp for you.

The actual quest: Dun-da-Dun-tah!
The NPC: Harrison Jones
The mobs you should kill all the time: Ancient Drakkari King

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Monday, September 28, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 4:18 AM

Are you tired of searching for a suitable platform which allows you to sell your WoW account, currency, items, game cards or even TCG loot cards? Have you stumbled upon websites that charges you an arm and a leg for listing your offers? Well look no further as has emerged to provide WoW players with a free platform to do just that.

To put it in a nutshell, is a classified ads portal serving specifically World of Warcraft players. You can easily create an ad to offer say an extra 60days game card you received as a gift. Enter all the details a potential buyer should know and your email address. Once posted, buyers can reach you using the form on your ad which will then be forwarded to your email to protect your privacy. Negotiation then will commence between both parties and upon agreement, transaction can then be completed.

As you can see, it is a very clear-cut portal that leaves everything to the buyer and seller to decide without costing a single cent to participate in. All ads are valid for 60days and will automatically be purged upon expiry to keep the listing of ads fresh. You can even pause or delete your ad in the event you item has been sold. seems to cover all the servers from US, EU to even China, Taiwan and Korea. This is great especially when more players uses it for ease of finding specific things we would like to buy. A quick glance at the Help page will explain how things work even further such as your ad validity.

Hop on over to and toy around for yourself.

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Friday, September 25, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 10:19 PM

I just received a shocking email supposedly from Blizzard Account Admin Team stating my account has been flagged for account selling. Honestly I was taken aback by the well written notice and was genuinely worried as I thought my account has been hacked.

Luckily I came to my senses when I recall my WoW account was not linked to this particular gmail account of mine. I admit I was nearly conned into this cause I have 5 gmail accounts and my WoW account is attached to one of them. Here is a screenshot of the email I received moments ago:

So to all of you my treasured readers, please take note of this recent development and be cautious not to send them your account details. Infact Blizzard will never ask for your account details to be emailed over the net anyways.


Monday, August 24, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 5:12 AM
The last segment we'll look at from the upcoming WoW Cataclysm expansion are the two new Worgen and Goblin races and preview of the new zones. The idea behind Worgen (originally were human) apparently is to add an aggressive element to the Alliance faction. The Goblin is a little more complicated since they were generally a neutral race manning zeps and neutral towns previously but the new race will not be associated with them.

Here is a video from Blizzcon which highlights the various racial abilities from both of these races:

This next 2 videos will highlight the starting zones of both Worgen and Goblin respectively in a trailer format:

Last but not least, here is a map of all the new zones from Cataclysm which are mainly extension of the present Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom:

Cataclysm New Zones Map
Cataclysm New Zones Map

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, posted by WoW Fan at 3:32 AM
Achievements can now be gained as a Guild in the upcoming Cataclysm expansion. They have given more motivation for guilds to progress and conquer goals together. Every guild member will have their role to play in leveling their respective guild and unlocking achievements.

Guilds can level up to Level 20 (not concrete yet though) which experience can be obtained via members leveling, reputation, BG wins, Arena wins, profession ranks and boss kills which requires 75% dungeon/raid member in the party or raid.

The whole idea to leveling your guild is to obtain Talent points for each level which can be spent on your Guild's talent tree. Each upgrade or points taken will effect every single Guild member such as cheaper repair costs which is very cool in my opinion.

Anyways take a look at the following video to learn more about the upcoming Guild leveling system and Guild talent tree:

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, posted by WoW Fan at 2:01 AM
This is yet another HUGE change coming to the Cataclysm expansion with a lot of stats being changed or totally omitted from the game. The main change which will reflect every single class would be Stamina.

Also they are introducing a new melee Legendary weapon named Shadowmourne. Back to the good old Molten Core days I guess.

Here is the video taken at the recent Blizzcon to guide you through each aspect of the item and stats changes coming to the expansion.

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, posted by WoW Fan at 1:01 AM
Now from all the new stuff from the new Cataclysm expansion, I am most excited at the brand new second profession called Archaeology which everyone can take up. This brings the game some Indiana Jones element where we will be able to unearth some cool lores, upgrades, mounts, instant port and recipes to name a few.

For a more indepth view of what Archaeology is all about, take a look at this video taken from the recent Blizzcon:

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, posted by WoW Fan at 12:53 AM
The recently announced expansion Cataclysm will feature high-level raid dungeons. Here is a preview video consisting of the following dungeons:

Abyssal Maw
Halls of Origination
Blackrock Caverns
Icecrown Citadel
Icecrown Dungeons

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Sunday, August 23, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 11:00 PM
Well the much rumored World of Warcraft expansion aptly names Cataclysm has finally been announced by Blizzard at the recent Blizzcon. Personally, I feel it would be a mouth watering expansion although not much new elements has been added to it. Perhaps the secondary profession called Archaeology and being able to fly in Azeroth is the most interesting aspect for me.

Anyhow without further ado, here is the awesome official video for those of you who missed it:

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Monday, August 10, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 1:17 AM
As most of you are aware, Blizzard have enabled flying mounts to be used in Wintergrasp when the battle is not active. I have recently been using this to my advantage by mining all the ores there! Here are some requirements needed:

1. 450 Mining
2. Patience & Time
3. Flying Mount (preferably Epic Flying)

The Wintergrasp territory consists of three different types of rocks or nodes:

1. Saronite Deposit
2. Rich Saronite Deposit
3. Titanium Vein

They are listed in order of least rare to rare.

Saronite Ore is worth about 15g a stack on my server. Titanium Ore, due to the mass need of the new epic gems is worth around 230g a stack on my realm.

Knowing this, this is how I manage to pull in a crap load of gold every hour.

First, I would start at the WG alliance base (when not having control of WG) and fly (Epic Mount) over this nice little route I have made from my experience mining.

Just follow the route above and you should get around 1 Stack of Saronite and maybe 3-10 individual ores of Titanium. I personally just keep going around that path for an hour, or until WG starts, when it starts I get the hell out of there and put my goods on the AH. I usually come away with this:

Around 5 - 10 stacks of saronite (75g-150g)
Around 1 - 2 stacks of Titanium
So it comes to around 400g an hour from selling all these ores.


I don't think this is AH dependent due to all the prices going up on Titanium, either way you're still making a huge profit.

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Thursday, August 6, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 8:20 PM
This is a basic guide of the new 3.2 patch 5-man instance called Trial of the Champion located at Icecrown. Firstly you need to setup your group in the standard manner of 1 tank, 1 heals and 3 dps. Everyone zone in, equip their lance, mount up and starts putting up 3 shields on themselves. Once the event has started 3 Champions with 3 adds will come out a gate but they don't attack until they are all grouped outside. When they are all outside in the circle the 3 group of adds will start attacking, kill them in whichever order your party prefers but mark them and focus on killing one at a time. After those adds are dead 3 more adds will come until all the adds are dead.

When all the adds are dead, there should be 3 champions standing and they will all charge at your group, you should mark them to kill in order once again. When one champion is down he will try to remount, so quickly run over to them and stun them for 15 secs. Phase one will end when all the champions are off there mounts. So make sure you stun them until you have defeated the other champions. When they are all on the ground, quickly re-equip you're weapons!

Phase 2
Everyone will be on the ground and you will start to kill the champions. It varys of what the classes are but it shouldn't be hard to figure out what to kill first. Once they are all dead there will be a chest in the middle loot it of course! In heroic it gives 1 [Epic] item, 1 conquest emblem and 1 champion seal.

Argent Crusade Fight
You will face either Eadric the Pure (Male Paladin), or Argent Confessor Paletress (Female Priest). You need to kill the adds and then the boss and very importantly to destroy the Lightwell that heals them. At 25% you will fight a "Memory" which is supposed to be mobs from the good old Vanilla WoW, TBC and etc.. When he or she is dead, there will be another chest in the middle of the room and it drops 2 epic items, 1 conquest emblem and 1 champion seal in heroic mode.

The Black Knight
For the final battle, the Black Knight will fly into the arena and will summon a ghoul, you have to kill him and his ghoul and after he is dead he will resurrect and cast "army of the dead" but watch out as the ghouls explode. After he dies he will resurrect once last time as a ghost form, in this form just kill him as fast as possible. The Black Knight also drops 2 epic items, 1 conquest emblem and 1 champion seal.

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Monday, August 3, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 2:04 AM
For those who would like to get an upper hand in the market when the upcoming patch 3.2 goes live, there are two major changes that will affect the game economy. The first is the introduction of epic gems; the second is that Emblems of Conquest are now obtainable in all pre-Crusader dungeons and raids. We will discuss mainly about epic gems for now.

Epic gems can be obtained in a few different ways:

Alchemy Transmutes
Icy Prism - You can save them by mailing them to your banker and leave it in the mailbox
Prospecting Titanium Ore
Buying with Honor or Emblems of Heroism

Buying them with Honor and Emblems will probably be very unpopular, as everything will be dropping Emblems of Conquest and players will be eager to grab new gear before they will grab new gems. The other three on the other hand will have a profound effect on the market.

Transmuting an epic gem usually requires a blue gem of the same color as the desired epic gem and a specific Eternal. The following is a list of transmutes as they are currently on the PTR:

Transmute: Ametrine: Monarch Topaz and Eternal Shadow
Transmute: Cardinal Ruby: Scarlet Ruby and Eternal Fire
Transmute: Dreadstone: Twilight Opal and Eternal Shadow
Transmute: Eye of Zul: 3 x Forest Emerald
Transmute: King’s Amber: Autumn’s Glow and Eternal Life
Transmute: Majestic Zircon: Sky Sapphire and Eternal Air

The first thing to note is that players will be getting epic gems from a few sources. Players will largely be consuming the same amount of gems overall, as they will have about the same number of sockets. Some of the new recipes require epic gems, but it won’t have a huge impact on the market. Since only some portion of the epic gems being consumed use current rare gems as a material means that consumption of rare gems is going to go way down. There will still be a market as the poor man’s gem and as reagents for transmutes, but the prices of uncut and cut rare gems should drop significantly. Get rid of any stock that you have. The exception may be Forest Emerald, which requires 3 gems for the transmute. Only time will tell relatively how valuable they will be, but blue gems are used a lot by tanks, so I’m predicting a good market for the epic blue gems and hence Forest Emerald. Also, expect Eternal consumption to go way up with lots of new recipes and the transmutes.

Titanium on the other hand is going to be the game changer. People are stockpiling Titanium now, which may or may not be a good idea. It might be way overvalued right now; it’s risky to do. However, with rare gems losing demand and rare gems being the result of Titanium prospects as often of epic gems, rare gems should lose a significant amount of value from this alone. The flipside to this is that the value of Saronite and Cobalt should crash, as they will no longer be valuable to prospect. This is going to be a huge window of opportunity for Blacksmiths, who can potentially make lots of BoE stuff and disenchant it. Expect Enchanting supplies to increase in supply in the long run and prices to drop.

Finally, note the materials for the new crafted items, including a new orb from the Argent Coliseum: Crusader’s Orb. This list was complied by the writers at WarcraftEcon:

• Titansteel Bar
• Saronite Bar
• Arctic Fur
• Heavy Borean Leather
• Icy Dragonscale
• Nerubian Chitin
• Moonshroud
• Spellweave
• Ebonweave
• Crusader Orb
• Various epic gems, Eternals, Enchanting materials
• Deadly Saronite Dirk
• Corroded Saronite Woundbringer

These will probably enjoy a small price boost in the first month or so of patch 3.2.

Remember, the first two weeks will be crazy, as everyone will want epic gems and consumption will be through the roof. Expect it to level off within about 6 weeks. Happy hunting!

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 2:10 AM
I use these free teleports all the time to get my 80 somewhere fast. The simple trick is in keeping these quests in your log and not handing them in. That's all you have to do to enjoy free travels to various cities and locations.

Fate, Up Against Your Will
This quest or the follow-up will provide you with a free teleport from Stormwind to a phased version of Orgrimmar which is helpful if you wanna fish up Old Crafty, get RFC achievement or just a quick way into the Durotar area. There will also remain a portal back into Stormwind inside Thrall's room.
Location: Stormwind to Orgrimmar

The Killing Time
This quest requires the previous 2 completed and is the 4th in the quest chain. It will provide a portal into a phased Undercity. I prefer the Orgrimmar portal myself though as I find it more useful.
Location: Anywhere to Undercity

Where in the World is Hemet Nesingwary?
This quest starts at Krasus Landing in Dalaran and will teleport u in a few seconds to the very center of Sholazar Basin. I really don't think it's worth handing in this quest as its been saving me a lot of time going on my herbalist/miner for a quick area sweep. Besides, the rewards are peanuts anyways.
Location: Dalaran to Sholazar Basin

Preparations for War
This quest also starts at Krasus Landing in Dalaran and will teleport u in a few seconds to your factions zep in Icecrown. Helpful if you wanna go straight to doing the dailies on the ship instead of looking for the zep on the map etc.
Location: Dalaran to Icecrown

The Keeper's Favor
This quest grants you a teleport into Moonglade from Crusaders' Pinnacle in Icecrown which could be useful for.. grinding Timbermaw rep.. grinding the nearby oozeling.. grinding the Winterspring Frostsaber quest.. or even getting your Leatherworking skill up on the little critters there.
Location: Icecrown to Moonglade

The Boon of A'dal
This is the end of a long chain quest with some decent rewards for a starting character, but if you don't turn this quest in then it is essentially treated like a portal to Dalaran from Shattrath. Not very useful for most, but people doing, say, Old Man Barlo's fishing may want to simply not turn it in. Each time you pick up the quest you are ported to Dalaran.
Location: Shattrath to Dalaran

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Monday, July 13, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 2:34 AM
So if you happen to level a new alchemist on your new character and managed to get to 350 (and lvl 68), then you get to choose a specialization. I obviously wanted Elixir mastery since I understand that it is the most profitable one.

So I went to pick up the quest and as soon as I saw BM I died a little from the inside as I couldn't be bothered farming the rep so I dropped it. I then went to pick up Pot Mastery instead, I saw it involved BoT and dropped it also since no one seems to be running those instances anymore.

Hence I took up Transmutation Mastery and thought it might come in handy especially with the 3.2 patch for gems transmutations.

But it kinda saddened me that I wouldn't make any decent profit till 3.2 so I decided I'd drop the Transmutation Master specialization (which I had become) and do the Elixir quest with the help of a guild mate of mine.

So I went up to pick the quest and figured out that because I had become Transmute Master, I could become Elixir Master without doing the darn quest and thankfully I was right.

So, to summarized this all up:

1. Become Trans Master (4 Primal Mights like 50g on my server)
2. Drop It
3. Go to the Elixir Master in Shat or Pot Master in Zangarmash
4. Become one of the above with only 150g spend and no rep farming effort

This is for people leveling alts or stuck on a Mastery they do not want. I am pretty sure it is old and all, but sometimes the simplest of things can be overlooked.

As a side note, you need to go to your current mastery trainer to drop it before you can take up a new alchemy specialization of your choice.

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Sunday, July 12, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 2:16 AM
Select your preferred button or number that can be used in game to activate a macro, I personally use the 1 button so I can put the macro on the skill bar and not have to mess with my keybinds. But if you have a certain button you like, go ahead and use that as long as you are comfortable with it.

So now we have a macro slot selected, let us make the macro first. Choose an empty slot and go to Assign Macro > Create New Macro, This will open up a new box.

If you already have a macro there that's fine, just make a new one, doesn't matter what it is named although you might want to name it something you will recognize if you use multiple macros like I do. Then make sure Auto Loot is ON.

If you're milling type in the following in accordance to the pigment you're looking for:

Alabaster Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Bloodthistle
/use Peacebloom
/use Silverleaf
/use Earthroot
/use Mageroyal

Dusky Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Briarthorn
/use Swiftthistle
/use Bruiseweed
/use Stranglekelp

Golden Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Wild Steelbloom
/use Grave Moss
/use Kingsblood
/use Liferoot

Emerald Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Fadeleaf
/use Goldthorn
/use Khadgar's Whiskers
/use Wintersbite

Violet Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Firebloom
/use Purple Lotus
/use Arthas' Tears
/use Sungrass
/use Blindweed
/use Ghost Mushroom
/use Gromsblood

Silvery Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Golden Sansam
/use Dreamfoil
/use Mountain Silversage
/use Plaguebloom
/use Icecap

Nether Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Dreaming Glory
/use Felweed
/use Flame Cap
/use Mana Thistle
/use Netherbloom
/use Nightmare Vine
/use Ragveil
/use Terocone
/use Ancient Lichen

Azure Pigment
/cast Milling
/use Goldclover
/use Tiger Lily
/use Deadnettle
/use Adder's Tongue
/use Talandra's Rose
/use Peacebloom
/use Icethorn
/use Lichbloom

It's important that you will always have a stack of 5 of these herbs and if you have an uneven stack, just remove it from your bag. So just make sure you have stacks in multiples of 5, ie. 5,10,15,20 nothing like 11, or 14, or 19, to improve efficiency.

If you want to make a separate macro for each type of pigment that's fine, just switch them out when you want to mill those herbs. Again it is totally up to you.

This is pretty much it for the milling. After you are done milling then just make your ink or sell the pigment or whatever you want to do.

A good tip to keep in mind for Azure pigment is that Adder's Tongue, at least on my server goes for roughly 20-22g and sometimes less, and has a 50% chance to mill Icy Pigment, which turns into Snowfall Ink, which can be very profitable. So I try to buy as much Adder's Tongue as I can cheaply and mill that for cash.

Let us now move unto the enchanting or disenchanting macro section. There isn't much to this either. You just have to make a new WoW macro and type the following based on the most common item or items you use to disenchant with:

/cast disenchant
/use [item name]

You can also add multiple items to the macro too, just go to the next line and add like so:

/cast disenchant
/use [item name]
/use [item name]
/use [item name]
/use [item name]

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Saturday, July 11, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 6:53 AM
Hit and Spell Hit rating is a crucial stat for any serious raider as it reduces the chance to miss with your attack. The following guide is to assist you in understanding the hit cap for both melee and spellcasters depending on class and talent specs:

Spell Hit

26.232 HR is worth 1% Hit
Initial spell hit is 17%, which is 446 HR.

This drops to 14% (368) with 3% talents, which most caster classes have, or 13% (342) for a Balance Druid with Balance of Power.
Mages: Arcane Focus, Precision
Warlocks: Suppression
Priests: Shadow Focus
Shamans: Elemental Precision

This drops again to 11% (289) with 3% hit raid buffs (Imp Faerie Fire from Balance Druids, and Misery from Shadow Priests).

This drops again to 10% (263) including the Draenei racial (Heroic Presence)

For Night Elf Balance Druids, who get a 4% talent instead of 3%, this means they only need 9% (236) to hit cap, if grouped with a Draenei, and specced into Imp FF.

Melee Hit

Melee's a little more complicated. It works out to be 32.79 HR per 1% of hit.

Standard (White damage) melee single wield hit is 8% (263) (So 1h and shield, 2h)
Standard (White damage) melee dual wield hit is 28% (886) (2 1h, or DW 2h with Titans Grip)

However special attacks (Yellow damage) with dual wield, have only an 8% cap.

Initial melee hit is 8% (263), both single and dual wield, for yellow damage

That goes down to 5% (164) with specific talents below:
Death Knights: Nerves of Cold Steel
Hunters: Focused Aim
Warriors: Precision

That drops again to 4% (132) for all those classes with a Draenei in party.

With increased talents in other classes, we also have:
3% (99) for a Rogue with 5/5 Precision.
2% (66) For a Rogue with 5/5 Precision and a Draenei in party.
2% (66) For an Enhancement Shaman with 3/3 in Dual Wield Specialisation.
1% (33) for Enhancement Shaman with their own racial (Alliance only) and 3/3 Dual Wield Specialisation.

I've also been informed that a Rogues Poison's work from the spell cap. I've done a little research on this and it looks like Poisons need 14% (368HR), after accounting for 5/5 Precision, or 13% (342) after Heroic Presence. However similar to spellcasters, poisons will benefit from Misery/IFF, which will lower the poison cap to 11% (289) without Heroic Presence, and 10% (263) with a Draenei in party. Once a Rogue hits this, they'll be capped for both poisons and yellow damage, but white damage will still be uncapped, similar to most dual wield classes.
(Thanks to Dragaei, who let me know poisons used a separate amount.)

Hope this guide will come in handy for you raiders, and eliminate any confusion over hit caps.

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Thursday, July 9, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 9:19 PM
This is a fishing exploit to obtain the elusive Giant Sewer Rat and Dalaran Fountain Coins achievement from fishing at one particular spot at the Dalaran fountain. This method will no doubt save you bundle of time hunting for these achievements. In regards to the coin achievements, it comes in a variety of 3 which are:

- A Penny For Your Thoughts (copper coins)
- Silver in the City (silver coins)
- There's Gold In That There Fountain (gold coins)

To begin with, all you have to do is stand at this particular spot (red circle) as shown in the screenshot below:

Your cast will drop in the above 3 shown locations and you will alternate between fishing in the fountain and fishing in the sewer. Getting the coin achievement may come somewhat easy but be prepared to fish for countless hours to get that Giant Sewer Rat.


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Wednesday, July 8, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 1:08 AM
One of my favorite things to do on off-days or just prior to the weekly server maintenance is to run Molten Core and BWL with a friend. Not only is it fun, but you can easily make a lot of gold while doing it! Here is what you will be farming or looking out for:

Molten Core

*Golemagg the Incinerator is a fairly simple boss that has a chance to drop 1-2 Sulfuron Ingot. On my server, these ingots go for around 900G as people still like to get the hand of ragnaros as a throphy. You and a friend should be able to get to him in a few minutes by timing your runs, swimming in some lava, and jumping off the bridge over him.

*Fiery Core has a pretty good chance of dropping off Firewalkers and other trash mobs is MC. On my server, these sell for about 70G each.

* Most of the bosses in MC can drop patterns and recipes for items/enchants which cannot be found anywhere else. Believe it or not, many of these are very rare and are worth quite a lot. In one run I got 2 enchanting recipes which I posted on the AH for 500G each or more. They sold within 2 hours. If you don't see the item in the AH, feel free to post it for a crazy price, there are always collectors that want it.

*Tier Collectors still exist in the game. In one full run, my friend and I got 6 BoE bracers/belts. Although these aren't worth as much as they were back at 60, I still manage to sell them for 80G each.

A Ret Paladin and Feral Druid should be able to clear every single boss in MC in 1-2 hours by self healing with JoL and SoL. Practically any class combos can do this and some well geared people can even solo the entire place.

Here are some basic strategies for 2 manning this thing:

Lucifron: Kill the adds then take down the boss
Magmadar: Tank and spank
Baron Geddon: Tank and spank, dispel mana drain and watch out for bombs.
Garr: Kill the adds and take down the boss
Gehennas: Kill adds then quickly burn boss down. If you cannot decurse, this will be hard, he reduces healing by 75%.
Golemagg the Incinerator: Tank adds while killing boss.
Shazzrah: Tank and spank
Sulfuron Harbinger: Nuke his healers, take out his adds, then burn boss.
Majordomo Executus: Kill his healers then the other adds. He will surrender after they die.
Ragnaros: Tank and spank, kill adds, tank and spank.

BlackWing Lair

For this, you will need a small group. I did it with 4 well geared people but you may need more. After you kill the first three bosses, you will face Firemaw. He can be a little tricky so you can leave him up if you want, just pull when he is on his patrol. Blackwing Technicians have a 12% chance to drop Elementium Ore. On my server, the ore sells for 250G a piece. If you pull a group of technicians, kill all of them but 1, and jump off the ledge and run out of the instance, the surviving technician will run back and the group will respawn. Simply run back and loot the ones you killed then repeat the process. The beauty of this is that you can 1-2 man depending on your class. I usually ask my party to skip them then return with a friend to farm them. You can sell a stack of Elementium Ore for 5000G on my server.

Although there are better ways of making money, I personally have a lot more fun running these old instances and the gold isn't bad either. Granted, a lot of it depends on your server and luck. Happy farming!

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 2:18 AM
This video is a guide to show exactly how to solo the Dwarfageddon achievement in Ulduar. The video recorded is on the 25 man version, with a warlock that is geared in 10 Naxx armor just to reinforce how even the most undergeared players can obtain this achievement easily. Obviously 10 man version will not be an issue at all.

Your vehicle will be a lot better with the more combined item level you have. If you have all best slotted, you'll be able to kill the Sentry's in about 6 hits, otherwise as for the warlock, it took probably 30. Same with the nuking, you will only have to nuke twice to kill everything if you are well geared.

You can bring as many friends as the instance will hold to do this as well. I advise to only have a maximum of 2 people run out on bikes and clump dwarves, the other should ride passenger or just stay close in other vehicles. Too many people might split the dwarves too much and make you take longer than 10 seconds.

Most importantly, doing this will not get you saved to Ulduar. You yourself would have to not be saved to Ulduar already though and go into a fresh instance that hasn't killed Flame Leviathan yet in order to do this event. You'll have to invite a friend and form a raid to get inside, but after that you can drop raid and it wont kick you out and you can confuse the heck out of your guildies when your achievement pops up in guild chat. Here is the video:

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Monday, May 11, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 1:36 PM
This is a work in progress guide to the various locations to farm eternals. I am going to focus on the best farming spots to farm all types of Eternals (Fire, Earth, Life, Shadow, Water) since they are high in demand:

Best Place to Farm Eternal Fire
If you want to farm Eternal Fire, the best place to do this is at 85,73 in Wintergrasp. Kill the Flame Revenants there. This is sometimes a heavy farming spot so you may want to come here during non-peak hours. There are also Raging Flames in this area...They don't drop crystallized fire as often as the Flame Revenants do but it's worth killing them while you are waiting for the flame revenants to respawn. Another good method is via Engineering cloud farming.

Best Place to Farm Eternal Life
The best place to farm Eternal Life is at 9,59 in Wintergrasp. Kill the Living Lashers there. If you use your tab key it will help you to farm these a lot easier.

Best Place to Farm Eternal Shadow
The best place to farm Eternal Shadow is at 17,50 in Wintergrasp. Kill the Shadow Revenants there as well as the Wandering Shadows. This can sometimes be a farely competitive farming spot so try to come here in non-peak hours. If you are a miner (which I highly recommend to make quick and easy gold), spend most of your time mining saronite...You will get TONS of eternal shadow this way.

Best Place to Farm Eternal Water
These are probably some of the easier eternals to farm as there are tons of mobs for these spread all over wintergrasp. The best place to farm Eternal Water is to patrol from 29,46 to 69,52. These mobs are in a huge C shape in Wintergrasp... Kill both the Glacial Spirits and the Water Revenants here.

Best Place to Farm Eternal Air
The best place to farm Eternal Air is in the southern region of Wintergrasp (patrolling from 22,63 to 68,73. Kill both the Tempest Revenants and Whispering Winds in this area.

Best Place to Farm Eternal Earth
The best place to farm Eternal Earth is at 71,58 in The Storm Peaks. Kill the Brittle Revenant there. This can sometimes be a competitive farming spot, if it is, go kill the Lifeblood Elementals in Scholazar Basin at 70,56. If you are a miner (which I highly recommend to make quick and easy gold), spend most of your time mining saronite...You will get TONS of eternal earth this way.

Deppending on your server, farming different Eternals can be better for you. For example, Eternal Fire is the best selling Eternal in AH at the moment on my server.

Have you found a spot that works well for you besides the above mentioned locations?

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 9:58 PM
This rare Sea Turtle mount is the only mount obtained via fishing. Upon riding the Sea Turtle, it gives a 60% increase in your un-buffed swim speed. On land, sadly it runs only at your normal running speed. Nevertheless, this is still a much sought after mount.

The Requirements
- Minimum 480 Fishing Skill
- Riding 75
- Lots of Patience

Other Helpful Items and Tips
- Any Water Walking spell or Potions
- Fishing Buddy addon with the option "Easy catch" ticked (start fishing with just 2 clicks)
- Auto-loot On
- Find fish tracker

Fishing Spot Map

Fishing Rare Turtle Mount- Click To Enlarge Map -

This is one place with a lot of fishing schools, always have 3 or 4 ready to be fished continuously.

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Sunday, April 26, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 7:08 AM
So Noblegarden week has started and everyone is out hunting for their Easter eggs to complete the "Noble Gardener" achievement and attain the much sought after "the Noble' title. I have found the perfect spot in which you can stand in range of (6) SIX spawn points of Bright Colored Eggs (the ones you need to find in order to loot achievement items and also purchase event items). This is probably only for Horde cause you will definitely get ganked trying this as Alliance.

First of all you need to go to Falconwing Square in the Ruins of Silvermoon. At the north eastern side of the square there is a cart (35.5, 74.0). Position yourself as shown in the screenshot below so that you are standing on top of the middle fence post.

Refer to the screenshot below and the 'red circles' for the exact spot where the Bright Colored Eggs spawn. You can stand in this spot and never have to move at all and yet you are able to click (and pick up) all 6 egg spawns. It is much quicker to camp here than run around as the spawn rate is quite high.

There is a trick that you can also do while waiting for spawns. Mouseover the spawn points (as denoted by red circles in the screenshot) and often you can see the mouse icon change to the loot icon a second before you actually see an egg spawn. If it changes to this icon, click it immediately. This can be extremely helpful if there happen to be others camping/farming the same spot as you will be looting the eggs as they only just see them.

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Sunday, April 5, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 3:18 AM
The Great Feast
The Great Feast is an extremely effective and helpful way to provide food buffs to your raid, second only to Fish Feast as far as raid food quality is concerned. This guide is written mainly with Horde in mind but applies to Alliance as well but with different flight-paths.

Also, if you are a skinner you'll love getting the ingredients for this feast. I usually get between 60-100 Borean Leather each time I farm for 20 of these on my rogue.

• You are level 80
• You can do some form of AoE (this will only affect timing, not the mobs or locations)
• That you are farming for a full stack of feasts (i.e. 20 total feasts)

Chunk o' Mammoth x20
Shoveltusk Flank x20
Worm Meat x20
Chilled Meat x40


Obtain: Shoveltusk Flank
Starting from Dalaran, get on the flight plan to New Agamand. Once there, mount up and ride along the coast south of Westguard Keep (Alliance Town). Every 40-70 yards there will be 4-7 Shoveltusks.

The mobs you will be killing are:
• Shoveltusk Calf (lvl 63-68)
• Shoveltusk Stag (lvl 64-69)
• Shoveltusk (lvl 63-68)

They are very low level so you should have no trouble blowing through them. Expect to spend about 10 minutes or so of killing to get 20 flanks. Once you have all the flanks, turn around and go back to the Westguard flight point. From there, take a bird to either Dun Niffelem or K3 for the Worm Meat.

Obtain: Worm Meat

Make your way to the cave where you get the oil for the Helm quest at Hodir. There are a reasonable number of mobs here with a fairly consistent repop rate. This will take longer then the Shoveltusk or Mammoth, mostly because you are single killing targets a lot of the time. I would say 15-20 minutes depending on luck and whether others are farming.

The mob you will be killing is:
• Ravenous Jormungar

At this point you have two options: You can either head outside of the cave and kill the roaming mammoths or (and this is what I do) you can hearth to Dalaran and get on the flight path to Borean Tundra.

Obtain: Chunk o' Mammoth

I choose to go to the Tundra for three reasons. First, there are tons of Mammoth there. Second, I can blow through 40 Mammoths in the time it would take me to kill 10 in Storm Peaks and wait on the repops. Third, I can kill until I get my mammoth meat, walking North as I kill and then I get dumped right in the Basin for the Chilled Meat. Saves time.

The mobs you will be killing are:
• Mammoth Calf
• Wooly Mammoth
• Wooly Mammoth Bull

20 Chunks o' Mammoth should take approximately 5 minutes.

From here, walk right into the Basin and kill everything there. They all drop Chilled Meat and you'll get your 40 needed extremely quickly.

And there it is, you have the ingredients needed to food buff your raid. It takes me about 35-45 minutes including travel time to get all of these ingredients. In addition, you can make a handsome income once again if you are a skinner.

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Sunday, March 22, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 4:49 PM
This is a cool method to farm the elusive Zul'Gurub Swift Zulian Tiger mount even for cloth wearers. Here the video shows how a warlock does it.

Enjoy and happy farming!

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Sunday, February 1, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 10:07 PM
I've scoured the wowhead databases to come up with the best compilation of preraid available DK gear that I can. First, let me explain my rationale in making these comparisons, because while I'm quite confident in my knowledge of the DK class mechanics, it never hurts to put anything up for peer review.

Let me start by saying that this is NOT a definitive list of raiding requirements. That will be up to guild leadership. What this is is an attempt to share the benefit of my research and experiences with other Death Knights who have raiding and tanking aspirations. Hopefully this will encourage a discussion, because it's really discussions where the best ideas come from.

This list is not intended to list the ultimate gear choices for all slots. It is intended instead to highlight some of the best items available before raid zones. The items on this list are intended to get a Death Knight tank ready for the entry level raids like Naxxramas. Thus the only criteria for inclusion in this list is that the item be obtainable without raiding; heroics, emblems of heroism, tradeskills (that don't require raid zone mats/recipes), and factions are all valid sources for the purpose of this guide. There's also a list of specific enchants to help get where you need to be.

The things you need to be thinking about are--

Uncritablity (540 Defense Skill == 689 Defense Rating): The Defense Rating is what you'll be sacrificing most other important stats for early on, but it's necessary. A tank taking a critical strike is a quick way to wipe a raid. Fortunately, crushing blows are no longer a concern, as a mob has to be 4 levels higher than the player to deliver one.

HP Pool: This is of obvious importance to any tank, but again, as you'll be focusing on obtaining uncritable, it's important to consider how best to maximize Sta/HP without sacrificing defense.

Strength: In addition to being your primary threat generation stat (EVERYTHING scales with AP) strength doubles as an avoidance stat for DKs thanks to the passive ability Forceful Deflection, which adds an amount equal to 25% of total strength to your parry rating.

To sum it up before I get into the actual list, the heirarchy weight I'm using to determine the list looks something like this:

Defense (Until Uncritable) > Sta/Str > Dodge Rating > Parry Rating

Strength is our biggest threat generation stat, but others to consider in making gear choices are Expertise, Haste, and Hit Rating.


Ground Tremor Helm
Binds when picked up
Head Plate
1760 Armor
+48 Strength
+93 Stamina
Meta Socket
Red Socket
Socket Bonus: +12 Stamina
Equip: Increases defense rating by 61 (12.4 @ L80).
Equip: Improves hit rating by 37 (1.13% @ L80).

Drops from Moorabi in (H)Gundrak

Enchant: Arcanum of the Stalwart Protector
Requires Argent Crusade - Revered
Use: Permanently adds 37 stamina and 20 defense rating to a head slot item. Does not stack with other enchantments for the selected equipment slot.


Chained Military Gorget
Binds when picked up
+41 Strength
+75 Stamina
Equip: Increases defense rating by 33 (6.71 @ L80).
Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 32 (0.81% @ L80).
Equip: Improves hit rating by 21 (0.64% @ L80).

Costs 25 Emblems in Dalaran


Iron Dwarf Smith Pauldrons
Binds when picked up
Shoulder Plate
1625 Armor
+58 Strength
+87 Stamina
Equip: Increases defense rating by 36 (7.32 @ L80).
Equip: Increases your parry rating by 40 (0.81% @ L80).

Drops from General Bjarngrim (H)Halls of Lightning

Enchant: Greater Inscription of the Pinnacle
Requires The Sons of Hodir - Exalted (Lesser Inscription will also suffice until you can get Exalted)
Use: Permanently adds 20 dodge rating and 15 defense rating to shoulder armor. Does not stack with other enchantments for the selected equipment slot.


Cloak of Peaceful Resolutions
Binds when picked up
140 Armor
+31 Strength
+64 Stamina
Requires Level 78
Requires The Wyrmrest Accord - Honored
Equip: Increases defense rating by 43 (10.12 @ L78).
Equip: Improves hit rating by 25 (0.88% @ L78).

Purchased for approx. 20g from Wyrmrest Accord at Honored

Enchant: Enchant Cloak - Titanweave
Permanently enchant a cloak to increase defense rating by 16.


Breastplate of the Solemn Council
Binds when picked up
Chest Plate
2166 Armor
+49 Strength
+117 Stamina
Requires The Wyrmrest Accord - Revered
Equip: Increases defense rating by 76 (15.45 @ L80).
Equip: Increases your expertise rating by 56 (6.83 @ L80).

Purchased for approx. 52g from Wyrmrest Accord at Revered

Enchant: Enchant Chest - Greater Defense
Permanently enchant chest armor to increase defense rating by 22.


Bindings of Dark Will
Binds when picked up
Wrist Plate
948 Armor
+42 Strength
+66 Stamina
Equip: Increases defense rating by 27 (5.49 @ L80).
Equip: Increases your parry rating by 30 (0.61% @ L80).

Drops from Salramm the Fleshcrafter in (H)CoT: Stratholme

Enchant: Enchant Bracer - Fortitude
Permanently enchant bracers to increase Stamina by 12.


Gauntlets of Vigilance
Binds when picked up
Hands Plate
1308 Armor
+51 Strength
+34 Agility
+76 Stamina
Equip: Increases defense rating by 34 (8 @ L78).

Reward from The Reckoning in Storm Peaks

Enchant: Enchant Gloves - Armsman
Permanently enchant gloves to increase threat caused by 2% and increase parry rating by 10.


Waistguard of the Risen Knight
Binds when equipped
Waist Plate
1218 Armor
+58 Strength
+87 Stamina
Equip: Increases defense rating by 42 (8.54 @ L80).
Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 33 (0.84% @ L80).

BoE drop in Drak'Tharon Keep


Daunting Legplates
Binds when equipped
Legs Plate
1831 Armor
+54 Strength
+93 Stamina
Equip: Increases defense rating by 88 (20.71 @ L78).

Created by Blacksmithing

Enchant: Frosthide Leg Armor
Use: Permanently attach frosthide armor onto pants to increase Stamina by 55 and Agility by 22.


Sabatons of Draconic Vigor
Binds when picked up
Feet Plate
1489 Armor
+44 Strength
+85 Stamina
Requires The Wyrmrest Accord - Revered
Equip: Increases defense rating by 58 (11.79 @ L80).
Equip: Improves hit rating by 29 (0.88% @ L80).

Purchased for approx. 37g from Wyrmrest Accord at Revered

Enchant: Enchant Boots - Greater Fortitude
Permanently enchant boots to increase Stamina by 22.

Ring Slot 1:

Gal'darah's Signet
Binds when picked up
+26 Strength
+54 Stamina
Equip: Increases defense rating by 36 (9.81 @ L76).
Equip: Increases your expertise rating by 20 (3.27 @ L76).

Drops from Gal'darah in (N)Gundrak

Ring Slot 2:

Dragonflight Great-Ring
Binds when picked up
+26 Strength
+58 Stamina
Requires Level 78
Equip: Increases defense rating by 38 (8.94 @ L78).
Equip: Improves hit rating by 24 (0.85% @ L78).

Drops from Cache of Eregos (N)The Oculus

Trinket Slot 1:

Essence of Gossamer
Binds when picked up
+111 Stamina
Equip: When struck in combat has a chance of shielding you in a protective barrier which will reduces damage from each attack by 140, up to a total of 4000 damage absorbed. Lasts 10 secs.

Drops from Hadronox in (H)Azjol-Nerub

Trinket Slot 2:

Seal of the Pantheon
Binds when picked up
Equip: Increases defense rating by 65 (15.3 @ L78).
Use: Increases armor by 3570 for 20 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)

Drops from Loken in (N)Halls of Lightning


Titansteel Destroyer
Binds when equipped
Two-Hand Mace
507 - 761 Damage Speed 3.40
(186.5 damage per second)
+124 Strength
+105 Stamina
Equip: Improves hit rating by 54 (1.65% @ L80).

Crafted by Blacksmithing


Sigil of Haunted Dreams
Binds when picked up
Relic Sigil
Classes: Death Knight
Equip: Your Blood Strike and Heart Strikes have a chance to grant 173 haste rating for 10 sec.

Costs 15 Emblems in Dalaran

Summary: This set will get you to 705 total Defense Rating including enchants, or a total of 543 defense skill. 540 is the magic number for uncritable, so this gives a little leeway in terms of upgrading your gear as you progress through raid content.

As I start to build this set myself, and gain more experience, I'll update this guide in accordance with any new practical knowledge I pick up. I also reiterate my hope that other DKs will participate in this discussion.


The sigil selection has been questioned by a few other DKs, and while the consensus seems to be that there isn't a "great" sigil available to DK tanks at this time, the Sigil of the Dark Rider (starter quest sigil) may well provide superior returns on threat for most tanking rotations.

Some suggested alternatives to the above items, superior in HP/Avoidance and also obtainable via pre-raid means. (Thanks Nyxia, Alysara, and Morocius for these suggestions)

Tempered Titansteel Helm
Armored Titanium Goggles (requires Engineering)

Titanium Earthguard Chain

Fireproven Gauntlets

Titanium Earthguard Ring

Another gear list
A general tank gear list posted on wowhead with links. It might be slightly less cumbersome than creating a weight scale and searching each slot individually.

Wowhead comparison tool set
This set nets significant defense through use of gems and enchants, but is obtainable via crafted items and rep items--no instance grinding required!(Thanks Lichna)

Written by Ragnarök - Source

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 1:26 AM
Basically, there is a cave where worms are in Storm Peaks. (coords 47,55)

Well there are Worgs there that killed by the Worms, this is important because they spawn in a pair.

Once you kill the worms the spawn rate of the Worgs is totally insane. After a couple of minutes, it becomes an instant respawn between the four spots.

So you just run around the begging of the cave (as shown in the screenshot) and never run out of mobs, and besides Borean Leather, they do drop Artic Fur as well.

Here are the 4 locations:

I guess it would also be an awesome place for grinding too since you will experience no downtime between mobs.

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Friday, January 9, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 1:18 AM
While I was at Zul'Drak leveling an alt of mine, I got that quest called "The Storm King's Vengeance" whereby you need ride Gymer (the king of storm giants) and kill 100 scourges and 3 elites for completion.

All the undeads you kill on the way with Gymer gives no EXP but there is a specific area in Zul'Drak with something very interesting indeed.

If you haven't done the quest-chain which leads to "Altar of Quetz'Lun", you will notice that if you go there with your giant, you will see all the mobs from the "dead" area (a fading layer).

There you can pretty much kill them with just 2-3 hits and earn EXP by killing using Gymer the giant. Only thing is you just can't loot the mobs but basically you get no downtime at all and 2-3 shotting mobs. The best way i found out was to zoom in and just run around tabbing and hitting since his size is so big you cant see them. So either zoom in or get a zoom out mod.

Yes, this is a exploit. Maybe not a great exploit, but definitely worth 1 level per 30mins rested for me. That area mentioned isn't intended to be visible unless you are doing a quest-chain to get access. While you ride Gymer, everything despawns to another "fading layer", but that area is on the same layer!

Just run around killing everything you see (2300xp each kill if rested) as quick as you can. Enjoy your easy free kills!

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Saturday, January 3, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 6:15 PM
In naxx, in the Death Knight Wing there's mobs called Death Knight Cavaliers and they have a spell called Bone Armor.

Effect: Apply Aura: School Absorb (Arcane, Fire, Frost, Holy, Nature, Physical, Shadow)
Value: 1200000

So, that is a massive 1.2 million damage absorbed. They also cast it quite often too ( every 10 sec or so) and best of all it is spellstealable. Now you must be wondering what the exploit is in spellstealing a spell from a mob... Well, here it is:

Arcane Talent: Incanter's Absorption Rank 3

When you absorb damage your spell damage is increased by 15% of the amount absorbed for 10 sec.

How it works is very simple, every time you get hit it adds a buff on you for 10 sec, with 15% of the damage that the attack was absorbed. You can have as many as those buffs as you want, but bear in mind that each buff will fade after 10 sec.

So, lets make a quick calculation here... You get the buff... get a couple hunters to MD to you and you pull Razuvious. He hits you for 80k (as a mage) 4 times, that is +12,000 spell damage to you each hit.

Since that buff absorbs damage, you do not have to worry about pulling aggro at all, we've had our mage tanking all the death knight wing, 3 shotting mobs, running around with 50k to 100k spell power tonight. The important thing is to keep all the 3 cavaliers on you, so you always have a bone shield to spellsteal.

Do note that this works in 10 man version too, but sadly the 10 man version of the bone shield only absorbs 50k and not 1200k.

Here is the video that inspired this exploit:

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Friday, January 2, 2009, posted by WoW Fan at 5:30 AM
Eternal Fires are far more expensive on the AH than any other eternals because they aren't as easily obtained just by merely mob farming. As a result of this, they normally go for 40-50g on the AH. The map below is going to assist engineers in making their farming of steam clouds a little bit easier by following the path shown.

What your going to be doing is farming Crystallized Fire and Crystallized Water off the Steam Clouds in Sholazar Basin. Your map of Sholazar should look like this if you did it properly:

Eternal Fire Farming

I personally followed the path shown above over a 1 hour period and I managed to obtain 108 Crystallized Fire and 37 Crystallized Water. So in total 10 Eternal Fire and 3 Eternal Water which netted me 486g all together after selling them on the AH while selling them at a slight price reduction compared to the competition. Happy Eternal Fire farming folks!

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